Partnership for a Healthier World


Pfizer Scholars Grants in Clinical Epidemiology

  • Supports research bridging the basic science of epidemiology with clinical medicine
  • Two scholars receive $65,000 each, per year, for three years
  • Grants established in 2001

Please click here for further information and application materials.

Pfizer Fellowships in Infectious Diseases

  • Supports biomedical research in the discipline of infectious diseases with the goal of encouraging research and innovation in medical academia
  • Two fellows receive $65,000 each, per year, for three years, to support preparation for full-time faculty status
  • Grants established in 2000Please click here for further information and application materials.

Pfizer Fellowship in Health Disparities

  • One grant is awarded annually to a postdoctoral candidate pursuing scientific research in order to increase awareness about health disparities and to develop and implement methods to eliminate disparities in health and healthcare.
  • One fellowship
  • $65,000 per year for two years