We invite you to explore our works aimed at advancing the field of public health. Please visit us often, as our titles continue to expand.
Innovation-Driven Health Care
Innovation – Driven Health Care offers a compelling view of important trends in the healthcare industry, from both the MD and consumer perspectives. It discusses innovation, collaboration, particularly with respect to issues in health and healthcare that intersect and the increasing use of technology to reduce costs and improve care and outcomes in healthcare. Chapter 16 in particular focuses on Pfizer Health Solutions and the program Florida: A Healthy State. The book highlights areas of innovation in the delivery of health care:
- In small practices threatened by the healthcare industry
- In large group practices
- In hospital-physician joint ventures
- In employer health plans
- In constraining costs and expanding markets
- And in patients, who are at the helm of the healthcare system
Moments in Leadership
Moments in Leadership, please click on the link below.Table of Contents | Order Book
Milestones in Public Health
Milestones in Public Health describes eleven public health milestones in the 20th century. Each chapter outlines the history behind the milestone, a case study, a vignette and a reflection on the future challenges that lay ahead in each topic area.
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Milestones goes live!
Listen to podcasts with Dr. DeBuono and leading public health experts from the book regarding new issues, challenges and advancements in their topic area since the book was published.
Listen to the Podcasts
The Faces of Public Health
We are pleased to announce the publication in October 2004 of The Faces of Public Health. The book celebrates 25 individuals from across the U.S. who, through tangible advances in public health, have improved lives in their communities. The Faces of Public Health demonstrates how the everyday work of public health professionals makes a difference in protecting our health and environment.
“The Faces of Public Health is putting a bright face on the field and giving the next generation of public health leaders the hope and courage to face any challenge.”
Hugh Tilson MD, MPH
Clinical Professor of Epidemiology and Health Policy,
Senior Advisor to the Dean
UNC School of Public Health
Advancing Healthy Populations:
The Pfizer Guide to Careers in Public Health
This career guide, published in 2002, inspires the pursuit of careers in the field of Public Health and provides a practical resource for maximizing opportunities across a broad range of potential career choices. The guide features critical topics including health policy and management, epidemiology, oral health, family health, behavioral science and health education, health communications, occupational safety, environmental health, public health preparedness, and international and global health. Contributors include leaders in many areas of the public health field including research, academia, fieldwork, and policy.
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