We spoke with eight men without any sexual dysfunction who decided to try a drug to increase potency. They took Viagra at a dosage of 50 mg, and this is what they say about the effect of Viagra.
Bob, forty-five years old, reports that Viagra “works just great!”. And here is what his wife Betty said: “It’s a sin to complain about this remedy!”
The first thing Bob did before using this drug was reading about how to maximize the efficacy of ED drugs. The man admits the tips given in the article were extremely useful. When Bob went to bed after taking Viagra he felt a “pleasant feeling of warmth” that spread in the lower abdomen and gradually covered the genitals. Betty joined her husband a few minutes later – “with icy hands and feet – you must admit, not the most romantic setting,” Bob said. But in less than five minutes, as “the situation has changed dramatically”, and the couple had sex for at least half an hour, “very vigorously and much longer than it usually happened with us.” Bob says: “I managed to change positions four times – and at my age you can easily lose an erection during these movements. But everything was going great, and if I wasn’t so tired, I could have done this for longer. I could continue, but I was afraid that it would end in a heart attack, and decided to finish before anything like that happened. A few hours later I woke up and felt so that at least now it was possible to start all over again.But instead I just fell asleep again “.
Bob was a little surprised that the erect penis under the influence of Viagra became “much harder” than usual. “With this drug, I seemed to have become twenty again. When we had sex, I had such a wonderful feeling that my penis lives its own life.”
Nevertheless, after taking the medicine, Bob had some unpleasant sensations – headache, dry mouth and some increase in blood pressure. And, despite all the unpleasant experiences that Viagra brought to Bob and his wife Betty, Bob is quite sure that he will buy this medicine again.
Stewart, fifty-six years old, was a little shy when retelling his impressions of Viagra. “Honestly, I didn’t feel anything special,” Stewart says. “It was the most common normal erection.” Stewart found no difference in penis density, erection duration, or intensity of orgasmic experience compared to what he always experiences. And after intercourse with Viagra, Stewart said: “I don’t think I ever want to try these pills.”
And those unusual sensations that Stuart attributes to Viagra cannot be called pleasant – some kind of dulling of the sensitivity of the penis, so it’s hard to guess when the eruption of sperm will begin, and a dull, vague pain in the lower abdomen, indigestion, and increased irritability. Stewart is not going to take this drug anymore.
Mike, a thirty-four-year-old computer engineer, very logically substantiated his decision to experience the action of Viagra: “Variety in sex is very important to me. And I wanted to try, this drug can present a hundred new things, despite the different side effects.”
Mike took Viagra for lunch, met his girlfriend and then returned to work. And it turned out that taking the drug “had absolutely no effect” on their sex. Mike said: “I always had a strong, stable erection, but I hoped that with this drug I could actively make love even longer – even after ejaculation – but nothing like that happened, everything was as usual.”
As for the side effects, Mike said he didn’t notice any side effects.
Ron, forty-nine years old, was taking a Viagra tablet late at night. As a result, he “definitely felt that the body did not want to take this medicine: his eyes became cloudy, his nose was blocked, his heart began to pound, which almost jumped out of his chest.” As for the positive results: “My penis seems to be a little harder than usual, but actually I’m not very sure. Orgasm came after about the same time as always, and the experience was not more pleasant than usual. Maybe I could have sex with this drug a second time, but I did not want to.” In general, Ron’s opinion is: “Healthy men do not need to take Viagra.”
Twenty-six-year-old Peter heard rumors about Viagra, and out of curiosity he decided to check how will this medicine affect his erection. He was not disappointed.
“Since Pfizer Viagra was very expensive, I decided to try a generic version. I found the comprehensive information about Generic Viagra here canadiandenturecentres.com/generic-viagra-uses-dosage-side-effects-alternatives and decided to order it online. It was a very pleasant sensation – I was just shocked! Especially when you remember that I didn’t even really know what to expect. The most impressive was the hardness of my penis. It was truly magnificent! My penis remained tense and capable of everything for almost four minutes after I finished. This is instead of the usual minute, or even less! Then “I fell asleep, but when I woke up around four in the morning, I was excited again and almost immediately I was ready for an act of love. I woke up my girlfriend and we made love again.”
Peter’s general conclusion about Viagra is: “I’m going to buy Viagra again.”
Jeff, fifty-six, took a 50 mg Viagra tablet at about half past eight in the evening. Half an hour later, he began to experience an increase in potency.
“I had a great erection, as always, and I did not notice any increase in the density of the penis and no change in the strength of ejaculation. My girlfriend also did not notice any changes,” says Peter. But I notice that my penis became more sensitive to all kinds of exciting influences and hardened in some 20-30 seconds, while it usually takes almost a minute. With regard to the duration of sexual intercourse, Peter spoke as follows: “I never had problems with maintaning an erection, and I could always keep it for a long time, as much as I wanted. In this respect, the drug did not affect me in any way.”
Two nights later, Jeff again took Viagra, this time at a dose of 25 mg – he simply broke a fifty-milligram tablet in half. “And nothing happened, – says Jeff. – There were no unpleasant sensations, but no practical benefits either!”. The next night, when Jeff ate the remaining half of the pill, things went smoothly: “The sex turned out to be as amazing as after the first pill, and without any unpleasant side effects. And by the way ”
Jeff’s girlfriend drew attention to some of Jeff’s behavior, which were probably associated with Viagra.
“Jeff and I have never had sex twice in a night before – it definitely happened because of the pill,” she says. “And the fact that Jeff remained “ready” for so long after he came was just great, I had a lot of fun!”
In general, she believes that for their couple, Viagra turned out to be “a good thing.” But she did not like that she had to wait an hour after taking the pill.
“Because of this, I lost a feeling of surprise in sex, which is very important for me I sometimes like to slip into the bedroom in only scarlet underwear and whisper: “Now or never!” – and with Viagra you would have to forget about this. It cannot be impulsive, spontaneous… ”
Jeff said that he was not averse to taking Viagra in a low dosage – 25 mg, but he was unlikely to dare to return to large doses. Jeff believes that Viagra will bring a curious psychological aspect to love relationships: “It seems to me that men who use this drug are more responsible in their bed issue and strive to satisfy their partner at all costs – at least for those reasons that it is worthless, so that the money given for the pill is wasted. In addition, with Viagra, sex life becomes much more measured and predictable. One way or another, the “blue pill” adds rationality and common sense to the relationship of partners. With these pills, partners will talk more about sex, and so their relationship will become closer and stronger.”
When Joel, forty-eight years old, first took a pill of Viagra, he suffered a setback: it turned out that Joel’s wife was just allergic to some medicine, “she fell ill, and we could forget about sex.” But, despite the fact that Joel did not have sexual intercourse at that time and he just went to bed, he still had some unusual sensations, “some of them turned out to be very pleasant, others – on the contrary.” Some of these sensations reappeared two nights later when he took the pill again.
Both times, about half an hour after taking the pill, Joel developed a severe headache, which eventually stopped on its own. And both times, about an hour after taking the pill, Joel experienced “extremely pleasant sensations in the genitals.”
When Joel took the second pill of Viagra, he and his wife had sexual intercourse, about which Joel says: “This time I got the same pleasure as usual. Well, maybe a little stronger. My wife says that I seemed to penetrate her deeper than usual. And for me, the most pleasant moment was a sharp increase in the sensitivity of my penis. ”
Joel says he has never had difficulty getting an erection. But when he was younger, “the penis was so sensitive that it reached the peak of pleasure too quickly.” With age, the erection still appeared without any problem, and the sensitivity decreased a little – which was just right, especially for Joel’s wife, because it meant that intercourse became longer. After taking the second pill of Viagra, Joel said: “During sex, my sensations in the penis were exactly the same as they were in the days of youth, despite increased sensitivity.
When the thirty-six-year-old Wojtek took Viagra, he hoped that this medicine would “help him cope with male duties better.”
He took Viagra twice. And notes that the erection came “a little faster” than usual. And his penis remained hard after ejaculation a little longer than usual, so that he could remain in the partner’s vagina for some time. Nevertheless, Wojtek said: “I don’t even know if I noticed any difference or not.” On the other hand, he did not notice any side effects.
“For those who have everything in order with their sexual life, these pills, in my opinion, are not needed,” Voytek said. “With Viagra, everything turned out very well for me, but I could not complain of anything even without it!”.